Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rainy Day Jar

Everyone should have a rainy day jar! I made mine out of and old applesauce thingy. Tearing off the label was difficult, and the sticky residue just wouldn't come off, as you can see here. Now if I just had some change to put in it...


  1. Great idea, Never know when you need to use that rainy day jar, Gonna try it out. :D

  2. Good idea. I'm gonna make one!

  3. Oh! I have one of those :D but the money in there never lasts long xD

  4. I've been thinking of getting one of them coin sorters to put into rolls.

  5. You'd be surprised how much money you can fit in one of those things. I filled one about that size most of the way up in a few years and figured I had $30 or so in it. Counted everything out by hand (except pennies), rolled them up, and I had around $130. I threw the pennies in a coinstar machine and it took around 8%, but it was only a few dollars in pennies and I really didn't feel like wrapping them by hand.
